Welcome to Home for Health Lifestyle Center


Welcome to Home for Health Lifestyle Center

What is so special about Home for Health Lifestyle Center? a Christian health ministry known for guests that have overcome degenrate diseases like cancer, diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis, Lymes etc. This ministry offers hope and healing to everyone. Home for Health has designed eclectic programs, pulling from various arenas of the alternative healing realm. Therapies are well thought out and grounded, without delving into spiritualistic modalities. The wellness center has pulled the best of several alternative healing modalities, thus Home for Health has achieved a synergistic program that is greater than any of the modalities individually. Comparable to alternative healing facilties in Mexico or Europe but we are Christian based (all honor and glory is directed to God as the True Source of healing) and we are a fraction of the cost.

Another key feature of therapy at Home for Health is that we take pains to insure that health guests have a reasonable understanding of the rationale behind their lifestyle program and therapies.

Christian Healing CenterThere are daily lectures and presentations where patients and their companions can attend and participate in activities like treatments, lectures, group meetings and the like.

We are often asked what therapies we use and what our programs are like. This can be difficult to answer because we help each guest to tailor his/her program to fit their own specific health needs, so there can be quite a bit of difference between each guest’s protocol. The therapies and nutritional protocol can vary but will include: copious amounts of fresh juices, vegetarian cuisine, hydrotherapy, herbs, supplements, infared saunas, steam baths, oxygen therapies and much more.
Christian Healing Retreat 3We have tailored individual programs to be extremely therapeutic, regardless of condition. Health sessions are also designed to be practical and educational in order to provide people with the means to be in charge of their own health. Individuals have come with all sorts of conditions, ranging from Cancer, Diabetes, Lymes Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, High Blood Pressure to Candida, Fibromyalgia and other auto-immune disorders. Many are now free of disease and these health sessions are designed to benefit all whether they have a chronic health issue, would like to cleanse and detox or just want to get away and relax. We regularly recieve guests from all over the globe to improve their health and overcome disease. We are a recommend facility by Cancer Tutor ** and you can also read our Testimonies Page. So far, we have had guests from across the United States and other parts of the world, including the Caribbean, Canada, France, England, Scotland, Netherlands, Estonia, Australia, and New Zealand.

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Christian Healing Retreat 3At Home for Health we focus and strive to produce and outstanding program. Our wellness center operates as a healing ministry and with our focus to help people and provide answers there is less expense and overhead that exists in most centers. There is no desire to take advantage or make financial gain from sick or hurting people. Please check out our Program Costs Page to see what recommended donations are.

There are programs running every month to be convenient and guests can come through extended health retreat sessions when in serious need. Check out our Program Dates or send us an email through the Contact Form, to the left, and let’s get started.

So, whether you are suffering from some illness or disease or you are experiencing good health and would like to know how to go from good health to optimal health, Home for Health Lifestyle Center is committed to serve you, walk with you and guide you into

The Way of Abundant Life!


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Welcome to Home for Health Lifestyle Center What is so special about Home for Health Lifestyle Center? a Christian health ministry known for guests that have overcome degenrate diseases like cancer, diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis, Lymes etc. This ministry offers hope and healing to everyone. Home for Health has designed eclectic programs, pulling from various arenas of the alternative healing realm. Therapies are well thought out and grounded, without delving into spiritualistic modalities. The wellness center has pulled the best of several alternative healing modalities, thus Home for Health has achieved a synergistic program that is greater than any of the modalities individually. We utilize the Gerson juicing, supplement and liver detox protocols along with Dr Kelly’s Metabolic Enzymes, ozone, High frequency Rife and Carey Reams’ RBTI testing and biochemistry analysis. We are comparable to alternative healing facilties in Mexico or Europe but we are Christian based (all honor and glory is directed to God as the True Source of healing) and we are a fraction of the cost.
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