Do You Believe in Dreams and Visions?


Do You Believe in Dreams and Visions?

My name is Steve Day, I thought it would be best to go ahead and give my testimony. There is much more I could share but I hope this is brief enough to still capture the most important elements and bless you in reading it. I was a rebellious youth and I made several bad decisions. I started drinking and smoking pot at a young age. I did well in school and got excellent grades so I was able to keep it secret from my family, but I was very angry and aggressive towards my parents and as soon as I could, I moved out of my parent’s house.

At 18, I was living with 5 guys in a big house. It was the typical party house but before long I was in trouble as my roommates were using drugs and had been dealing drugs. I had a roommate that would buy increasingly larger amounts of drugs and I knew this was out of control. All this was going on and even though I was also using marijuana, I really enjoyed weight lifting and bodybuilding. I thought the abuse that I did to my body on the weekends could be counteracted during the week by exercise and what I thought was a good diet. Working out one day, I met two guys at the gym, Eldon an older father and his adult son, and I remember how amazed I was that they were so strong and healthy being vegan? That went against everything that I knew. I was eating some form of meat at least five times a day and thinking that was the way to get strong and healthy.

Over time, a friendship developed and I would fellowship with their family on Saturday afternoons. I learned of the prophecies found in the scriptures and came to the conclusion that there must be a God. I had been working a split shift as a waiter at a restaurant called The Roaster. One day driving home after working a lunch shift and I was under deep conviction. I knew that I couldn’t follow God and keep one foot in the world. I was either all in or all out. I was in my car behind several others at the stop light struggling with the idea of turning my life over to Him, I prayed, and told God if He would deliver me from the bondage of drugs and alcohol, and prove it for the next 30 days, that I would be baptized and follow Him forever.

As soon as I was done, my eyes were opened and it was as if the sun got brighter. Looking up, I saw a translucent hand descending from the sky. It came down into the car and went into my chest right under my ribcage. It pulled out what looked like wet chains and took them back up into the sky. It seemed like it took several minutes but was really only a few seconds at the stop light. I felt a freedom from bondage, I knew I was victorious, but I also knew I had a part to play. I had to move out of the house where I was staying with my drug dealing friends. I went to the house, loaded up a few of my things, and left. I humbled myself and moved back in with my parents. God blessed me and I was set free from drugs that day in the car.

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A little over a month later I was baptized. It was the week before Thanksgiving 1998, but I only spent one weekend with my new church family. I felt that if I was to be successful in my Christian walk that I would need to get away. I bought a plane ticket to so I could stay with some of my family and I flew out the Wednesday before Thanksgiving to southern California. The following Monday I got a job waiting tables at a Red Robin. I found out shortly thereafter that the house I had been staying in Washington was raided by the police the Wednesday I left and my former roommates were in jail. I found out that there was a warrant issued for my arrest and that 5 state troopers had been at my parents’ house the following Monday to arrest me but I was in California. My dad got me in touch with an officer that was in charge of the case and I was able to share how God delivered me from all that.

The next day he arranged for himself and the District Attorney to do a conference call and I shared my testimony again. They said that they were both Christians and that they were happy that I changed my ways. They dropped the charges. I am so blessed to have followed God’s lead out as my former roommates have been in and out of the prison system ever since but I have a spotless record and I imagine it is a lot easier to tell someone that you’re a changed man from outside a jail cell than from the inside. God is good! My job in California had its own issues though: I was serving liquor, there was loud rock’n’roll music, sports fanatics, and foul mouths. These were not good influences on a new Christian, but I was zealous and on fire. I was a baby Christian and I wanted to be faithful to God, so I went home and knelt in prayer. In all earnestness, I asked God to give me a job where I could honor Him and keep His commandments.

I went to bed that night with a great peace knowing that God would answer my prayer. I had no idea that He would do it so quickly, I was awakened at seven in the morning (that’s like 2 a.m. to a nineteen year old) by a phone call from the elder of the two gentlemen who had witnessed to me at the gym. He informed me that he had a hard time contacting me, and that something very strange had happened that night. A friend of his, Pierre, in California had opened a restaurant and health food store, and was looking for help running the place. The same night I prayed for a job, Pierre prayed for a worker. That night Pierre had a dream. In his dream Pierre saw the man from the gym, and standing next to him was a young man with curly hair holding a jar of herbs. Pierre was informed in the dream that the young man would be the one to run the business he opened and that he should go to Eldon so he could talk to the young man.

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So Pierre called Eldon, told him of the dream, and they both called me. Pierre had a job for me that allowed me to work in a Christian enviroment and get established in Christ . We both prayed the night before and God answered both of our prayers by connecting us through a mutual friend. It reminded me of the words of the prophet Joel: “And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions” (Joel 2:28). So, amazed, I moved south to Redlands and started a new job. I have to admit my knowledge of herbs was more limited to the kind that are rolled and smoked, but I did know a bit about supplements from bodybuilding. My interest in alternative medicine developed at the health food store when I caught wind of Doctor Richard Schulze and heard some of his lectures.

My mind was completely blown away by some of the people who had cancer and other diseases, considered incurable by their doctors, yet they were standing there disease free! I began learning as much as I could about God’s methods of healing and working with people that came to the health food store. Many people came in with complaints like colitis, high blood pressure, and arthritis that were completely well in a few weeks. I learned a great deal by being faithful to God and desiring to put Him first in my life. As my desire for knowledge increased, I eventually ended up back in Washington, where I met my future wife, Suzanne. We attended some health lectures in the Seattle area and heard about a college for medical missionary training. We both went and were tremendously blessed. There are few things in life as rewarding as helping someone on the verge of death to be restored to health. I love to see the joy that it brings to a family. Suzanne and I were hooked! Sue and I have worked with many people over the years and we are grateful for all the friends we have made along the way. God is still in the business of dreams and visions.

Have a great day,

Steve Day

Next articleWelcome to Home for Health Lifestyle Center
Welcome to Home for Health Lifestyle Center What is so special about Home for Health Lifestyle Center? a Christian health ministry known for guests that have overcome degenrate diseases like cancer, diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis, Lymes etc. This ministry offers hope and healing to everyone. Home for Health has designed eclectic programs, pulling from various arenas of the alternative healing realm. Therapies are well thought out and grounded, without delving into spiritualistic modalities. The wellness center has pulled the best of several alternative healing modalities, thus Home for Health has achieved a synergistic program that is greater than any of the modalities individually. We utilize the Gerson juicing, supplement and liver detox protocols along with Dr Kelly’s Metabolic Enzymes, ozone, High frequency Rife and Carey Reams’ RBTI testing and biochemistry analysis. We are comparable to alternative healing facilties in Mexico or Europe but we are Christian based (all honor and glory is directed to God as the True Source of healing) and we are a fraction of the cost.
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