
Bob from Tennessee (Detox)
Best lifestyle center and program I have ever been to, and I know what I’m talking about because I have been to several of them. Thank you Steve and Suzanne for a great time.

Joe from Jackson, Mississippi (Detox)
I am amazed out how God works. I am blessed and glad to complete my stay here in Kentucky. Home for Health is a awesome place to be. Steve Day and his staff is awesome. Met a lot of great friends that I will never forget. I really appreciate my staff partner Igor from Australia, he is awesome. I appreciate my family and friends for there support. Feel like a new man, and have my purpose back serving God with every breath that I have in my lungs, until its the last breath. Kentucky is a special place. I have no regrets being transparent with my battle, cause everyone has their battle to face in life, some are smaller and some are bigger, all battles can look like a giant, but with Father’s help, any Giant can be defeated. God brought me here to not beat an addiction, He brought me here because He is a shepherd that goes after and seeks His children. Father is the one pursuing you!!

Susan From Fort Lauterdale, Florida
HOME FOR HEALTH AND “DAY” SPA I did not know that you were a spa too! I would have been on the very 1st plane had I known!!!!!!!!!! Try to convey that immediately, it makes your facility more comprehensive
Steven and Suzanne Day are amazingly talented healers. Their youth and passion for God and life, include an innate wealth of knowledge, an abundance of wisdom and a depth of dedication beyond their years. They are exceedingly kind and gentle caretakers and catered to my every whim and fancy. Their holistic treatments rival the best spas in the world and their library is a marvel.
I had had Bi-polar disorder all my life when I came to their extremely beautiful and comprehensive facility at age 63. They were not only confident that they could help me but when I left after 3 weeks, I knew that I was on the path to healing that had so eluded me most of my life. They expertly crafted a unique plan just for my disorder and the results were truly astonishing. I got my life back thanks to them and their wonderful staff. “Mommy’s” cooking is the best on the planet and I have been blessed by them and their inordinately sweet, loving and brilliant children. Thank you God!

Haile from Ethiopia (Ulcers)
I suffered from ulcers for 11 years. No medications could touch the pain and the ulcers grew worse and worse. I didn’t know what to do until I saw you on TV. I didn’t believe that you could really help, but after only two days the pain stopped. UNBELIEVABLE! Now I know that I can be rid of this ulcer forever. Thank you! You are the sweetest couple I met in America…I am blessed to know you guys and the sweetest kids ever. Thanks

Norma from Macon, GA
“In planning and thinking about going to Home for Health I only thought of being a support to my sisters who had many health issues and had even undergone surgery and treatment for cancer. However, while at the center I experienced first hand the knowledge and direction for a better me for the rest of my life. I have battled with brittle nails which split in half, full of ridges. I was also losing my hair and was taking medication to decrease the production of testosterone. In less than 2 weeks my nails have no ridges and I am off the medication for hair loss!!!! Although I knew I would see positive results in my sisters’ health I never thought I would see my older sister without her blood pressure and diabetic medications. She is now not only free of these meds but her feet are not swelling as they did.”

Esther from Chicago, Illinois (Diabetes)
Thanks to your ministry and all the good information, I am doing great! My glucose readings are good and on the decline, I have so much energy now and can now understand how sick I was before. I thank God every day for the knowledge that He has provided and for programs like yours and like an alcoholic I understand that I need to bring my body into subjection everyday in relationship to food.

Linda from Indianapolis, Indiana
I had been sick for several years and not felt well but husband took me to a doctor when I started turning yellow. I found out my liver wasn’t working right and I was told if I didn’t start making improvements that I would have to go on a liver transplant list. A friend gave me a brochure at church and I called Steve at Home for Health. He made me feel like there was hope, as I didn’t want to go through all the surgeries and be on medications for the rest of my life. After the first week, my color returned to normal and I felt better than I had in years. I am so grateful to have found you all. Thank you!

James from San Diego, California (Weight Loss)
I am very grateful for what I have learned at Home for Health. I went with high blood pressure and a wanted to loose some weight. My blood pressure dropped to the normal range in about a week and I lost over 20 lbs in three weeks. After my return home, I continued to follow the programand after six months my blood pressure is still good and I have lost a total of 70 lbs! I have so grateful to have found you.

Dora from McMinnville, Tenessee
Thank you Steve and Suzanne for giving us the gift of knowledge to be able to use for the
rest of our lives. May God continue to bless you, your family and ministry!!!!! “I can’t believe that learning to care for my body could be so much fun! The classes and classroom experiences were such a joy. Learning new ways to fix food, and preparing it, was so much fun- and the “icing on the cake”- I made wonderful new friends! I would do it all over again in a heartbeat! I could not ask for better hosts and teachers as Steve and Sue (and their children) for a real homelike treat”

Will from Benton, Illinois (Diabetes)
Will has been praising the Lord in church for his healing of diabetes (his blood sugar had been anywhere from 300-400), plus the wonderful program he went through at Home for Health in learning how to take care of himself better and getting his immune system strong so that he could get well to stay well. He is still going on with his new lifestyle change, bicycles, jogs, walks, and appreciates vegetarian food. His highest sugar count has been 155 and that was right after he had finished eating. He always goes out walking after he eats. Thank you, Steve and Suzanne, with all the workers there, for all that you are doing to help people physically and spiritually. God is good and gets all the praise. Those who honor Him, He honors. -Will’s friend Marie

Stephanie from Davy, Florida
“I came to Home for Health only to support my mother who had cancer and was seeking a natural alternative to conventional chemotherapy.
What I didn’t realize was how it would change my life. I will leave here with an abundance of knowledge and a renewed body and spirit.
Thank you Suzanne and Steve from the bottom of my heart!”


John from Tennessee
I was diagnosed with prostate cancer and had a PSA of 54. Six weeks after coming to the retreat my PSA is at .8 and my doctor says the original diagnosis was a wrong? He wasn’t saying that when he wanted to remove my prostate and put me on chemo and radiation! I know the truth, that God healed me and I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to Steve and Suzanne for all their help.

Beth from Portland, Oregon (Breast Cancer)
When my Doctor diagnosed me with breast cancer I was filled with fear. I didn’t know what to do, but I really didn’t like the idea of putting poison in my body and I believe that our bodies are God’s temple so I wanted to find another way. A friend told me about Home for Health and after a phone conversation with Steve, I decided it would be worth a shot compared to the other options. A few months after my stay I had a check up and have no detectable cancer. Thank you for all your help.

Ron from Georgia
My experience was a true blessing from God. Before I felt tired and weak, I saw my life literally crumbling before my eyes. After my stay, I feel that I have been able to take control of my life again (with the Lord’s help). The care and service I recieved while I was there was tailored to my specific needs. I also recieved the education and resources I needed once I left the center to be able to continue the treatments in the comfort of my own home. I would highly recommend the program to anyone looking for improvemnet with their health problems.

Eric from Berrien Springs, Michigan (Detox)
I came to Home for Health with health problems and I did see improvement my health, but what I got was more than just health improvements. While at Home for Health I decided to accept Jesus as my personnal Savior and made a decision to be baptized. Finding Jesus is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Thank you to the Day family and glory be to God for finding your place!

Martin from Chicago, Illinois
I have never seen anyone take such interest in others lives and deicate themselves to the welfare of others like Steve and Suzanne. They truly have a missionary spirit and a love for others. I am grateful to have met knew friends.

John from Tennessee (Galbladder/Stones)
I have severe stomach pains and found out I had gall stones. I was scheduled to have my gall bladder removed and I had no insurance. The operation was going to cost me thousands of dollars that I didn’t have a friend told me about Home for Health. On the fourth day of the liver and gall bladder cleanse, I passed hundreds of little stones in my stool. My doctor says gall stones just don’t disapear but I have had no stomach pains since.

Martin from Jefferson, Georgia (High Blood Pressure)
“I’m just completing a most amazing and wonderful experience at Steve and Suzanne’s retreat, *THE HOME FOR HEALTH*! I am a truck driver and 64 years old. A few weeks ago I had to renew the Medical Card for my CDL license. Was I surprised when my blood pressure was 185/102! For a commercial driver that means no driving until handled! As I need the money from the job I considered to get a quick fix from an MD, but as I had opted out from medical insurance I had to pay myself. I had started to study the RBTI years ago and could see that it is THE solution, but I didn’t fit in enough time to really understand it. When I considered the cost of having to pay an MD handling out of pocket, and all
the negative side effects, I decided to give it a trial at *The Home For Health*. I arrived on Sunday, March 6th, and was warmly greeted by Suzanne, Steve and the other guests. I was shown to a beautiful room and felt immediately at home in the warm and friendly atmosphere. Next morning the program started and between learning and applying what we learned the time flew by. And while I started understanding more and more RBTI, the amazing thing happened, my blood pressure started to drop. Day by day it went down and is now around 125/82. And that without drugs and side effects! And as an extra bonus I got off the coffee habit and feel like a new born!
I wanted to share this with the RBTI Group and highly recommend *THE HOME FOR HEALTH*! To start the RBTI adventure in a group of like minded persons is the right thing to get started! I will now be able to continue at home and keep me and my family in good health!
Thank you so much Steve and Suzanne, for your care and love!”

Carmen from St Petersburg, Florida
My sisters persuaded me to join them at the Home for Health retreat. I was very skeptical up until the time I arrived and was sure that this was not for me. I thought I was making a mistake until I stepped inside and got a tour of the facility and then I realized I was in the right place. From then on I was blessed and learned that lifestyle changes made with a little efort and committment would change my life, and my family’s, and give us overall better health. Since my stay, I have been able to get off my diabetes medications and my blood sugar has been normal. I know that I can now continue my new healthy lifestyle at home. Thank you.

Ethel from Fort Myers, Florida (Fibromyalgia & Heavy Metals)
Praise Jesus for the Holy Spirit guiding you and your team members as you continue your work with His blessings, being in His service preparing souls for His kingdom, to God’s glory. I just turned 75, but I feel 50 years younger. Love and Friendship

Benjamin from France
First of all for those who have not done, I encourage you to visit their site if you’re not already been, where they explain what they are doing much better than I will. Basically, the center welcomes people who wish to “retreat “, ie, cutting themselves off from their daily lives for a few days or weeks. Basically, for example, if city life and that was a crazy life, well, we go to the countryside for some fresh air, attention, this may not be a holiday, may have very well go to the countryside and such work as WWOOFer. They also welcome people who have diseases not treatable by Western medicine ( you know, red pill or blue pill … ) for example, diabetes, which affects so many people in this country, even if a diet too rich in sugar ( soda, burgers …) or multiple sclerosis, some cancers, and others. What’s great is that it works great, in fact, people who come here leave with no diabetes. Is not this great?! In any case one thing is certain is that if you need a course of laughter and smiles , this is the place!

Garry from Melbourne Australia
I worked as a volunteer at the “Home For Health” retreat in Jun-Jul 2011 and it was a wonderful experience. The retreat is geared towards receiving clients for a 2-3 week stay (called a session) and the clients are introduced to a healthy/organic lifestyle with a hands-on approach to alternative therapies so that by the end of the session, they know how to apply the simple therapies themselves. The meals are delicious and we would gather in the kitchen after breakfast, working together to prepare lunch. The other part of the retreat was geared towards growing nutrient-dense food, fruits and vegetable that were rich in minerals which is really the backbone of the entire health program.
So during the session most of my work was to help Steve and Su support the clients organize the juicing session in the morning, carry out some lab tests, do chores around the retreat and usually an hour or two working in the fields. Between sessions when there were no clients (about 6-8 weeks), I would be working in the fields till early afternoon. Often there would be groups staying during the session-break but they were usually low maintenance.
The great thing about the retreat is how it attracted all these amazing people that were not only interested in helping themselves, but also helping others. The clients would also work out in the field or help with the chores. It was also really gratifying to see the clients turn their health issues around. Steve and Su were great in not only supporting all the clients, but in providing me with the opportunity and materials to learn about the therapies and also the farming practices. Plus the clients themselves were a wealth of knowledge. On the weekends, we would all go for a hike, a picnic, or explore some of the nearby towns. If you are interested in learning, growing and connecting with the locals and clients from all over the country, then I highly recommend the “Home For Health” retreat.

Del from Austin, Texas (Migraines)
My Dear Sweet Day Family!
I am not certain I can adequately express my gratitude but I will try. The truth is Home for Health was my last resort. I had exhausted every resource I had and it wasn’t enough. I will be honest enough to tell you I wasn’t sure that even this program would work. However, I had nothing to lose and I saw how the Lord was making the way. I was encouraged by how things were coming together. Prior to this, I was so discouraged and truly felt helpless and hopeless. At the very least I thought that I would lose some weight, get some rest and the rest of my body would be better for it all.
My expectations and reality were far apart. I expected instruction in health but what I found was hope! I was reminded of a powerful truth that I had lost sight of. Helplessness is not the same as hopelessness. When one day Steve turned to Romans 4 and I read the familiar passage, I knew it was much more than Abraham’s faith that God was showing me. Our precious Lord was reminding me of the hope I have in Him. Oh how I have begged for healing and am now finding it in His creation and design. How ignorant and blind I had been to the miracle of His design. I will be eternally grateful for the knowledge and start y’all have given me. Even more grateful for restored hope.
Then there is the gift of friendship. Oh how I have come to love each of you. I wasn’t sure how all the personalities would mix together and I am always a bit self-conscious, but I found myself very much at home. The love and laughter we shared made it easier to be away from my family. Thank you for the privilege of being in your home and part of it. My only regret is the 900 miles that will separate us. I will pray for you always and call often!
Yours in Christ,

Rick from Ontario, Canada
It is Canadian Thanksgiving so I have a day to think and be thankful for our adventure this summer. We came to the Home for Health to accompany and support our friend who was diagnosed with cancer. I was pretty sure I had no health problems and I was sure we lived a healthy lifestyle; I just wanted to experience the whole regimen along side our friend. But, I soon realized that there are many things that I should change if I wanted to stay healthy.

Through Steve and Suzanne’s patient guidance and teaching I learned a whole new diet and lifestyle. I especially appreciate Steve’s gentle but in-depth teaching that he gave us every day – spiritual and diet/lifestyle. He is passionate in his beliefs yet he doesn’t push them on anyone. I nearly filled up a notebook from the class times and still missed many of his points, I’m sure. Steve shared many teaching CDs and DVDs with us as well, and we have been watching them since we’ve returned home. We have cancelled our cable TV because there just isn’t time for TV anymore.

I am thankful also for the way the whole family lives out what they teach. They treat each other with respect as they inteact, and that includes the children who are also clearly interested in living a healthy lifestyle along with their parents. The children are interested in talking to people who come to their home from distant countries but they appear to be careful not to interact with guests until encouraged to do so.

I think about what I’ve learned this summer at every meal and I am very thankful that there is a place like Home for Health and the Day family to help guide people to a more healthy lifestyle.

Thomas from Hawaii (Detox)
From the moment I spoke to Steve Day on the phone, I had a positive feeling he could help us. My wife had a boil that kept abscessing and no matter what she tried or how many poultices she put on it, it still came back and would not go away. We felt she needed a liver cleanse and we also wanted to learn more of how to help treat people for various ailments in the health ministry. The moment we drove up to the entrance to Home For Health, winding up the long driveway, we knew it was a very beautiful place to heal. The setting was idealic in the hills of Kentucky with the house at the end of a long windy road with beautiful trees and grass and a creek running through the property. The room was very nice with 2 beds and a private bath. We were impressed most of all with Steve and Suzanne’s professionalism, caring spirit, and knowledge of how to help people. Steve and Suzanne are unique above all the health professionals that we have met as they were very educated in most all schools and modalities of healing and used a combination of methods tailored to each patients needs. We were blessed with a wealth of knowledge on both natural and supernatural healing and the Bible. The food was amazing. Not only was it healing to the body, but the was also very tasty.

My wife and I witnessed not only her boil disappearing after the first few weeks we were there, but saw people getting well of all manner of problems including stage 4 cancer and intestinal problems. The simple, yet very powerful remedies of diet, ozone therapy, biological ionization, lemon water, coffee enemas, herbal teas, juicing, sauna, cold sheet wraps, clay, and supplements all worked with nature and G-d’s power to restore vitality and energy to each person. The staff was also very supportive and everyone did their job and helped in the whole process to get the patients well. Ample time was given for rest and the setting was conducive to healing. We both would definitely recommend Home For Health for anyone wanting to cooperate with G-d’s healing agencies and physicians.

Thanks again for all you and Suzanne did and continue to do.

William from Florida (Prostate Cancer)
I came to Home for Health after I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. I had always believed that my diet was descent and I exercised regularly but after a check up I was told my PSA was 54. After the biopsy determined I had active cancer, I was told that my options were surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. I didn’t believe that was what my Heavenly Father had in store for me, so I looked on the internet and found a link on a website about cancer that directed me to Home for Health. I spoke with a volunteer at the center and they told me about all the wonderful things that they had seen while staying there. I wanted to do something that God could bless and that helped me to make my decision.
Now two years later, I have never done chemo or radiation and I still have my prostate, but I am totally cancer free! While there I also witnessed a lady make a dramatic recovery from what I believe was liver cancer and a gentleman that made big improvements who had Lymes.
What a place to be, you can rest, eat wonderful food and get well. I have told so many people about you guys. Thank you

Deb from Indiana (Breast Cancer)
A friend told me about Home for Health after I found out I had Breast Cancer. I honestly didn’t want to go and be away from my family but I also didn’t want to have my breasts removed. After delaying making a decision for four months I could feel the mass growing and my energy levels were decreasing so I decided to go through a session.
I thoroughly enjoyed my time there and if I told everything about my stay I am sure it would be too much to read, but the important thing is that I felt the tumors shrink during my stay. My energy levels increased and my weight went up to where it should have been. I have been home for five or six months now and have been told that the cancer is no longer detectable in my system. My doctor still doesn’t believe that it was nutrition and natural medicine, but I know what really happened. God bless you all.

Duane from Mississippi (Diabetes & Weight loss)
I have been on insulin for the last 6 years and was looking for a way to get healthier and possibly even be done with diabetes. I was told it was impossible but after a friend of mine came back from your place Kentucky and told me about you all (he had leukemia and now he doesn’t) I decided I would see what you could do.
I was amazed that mainly changing my diet, juicing, and getting exercise would help so much. I knew I was out of shape but I didn’t care at the time. To date I have lost about 45lbs and I find that I don’t need insulin anymore. Thank you for all your help and support.

Nathan from Texas (Liver Cancer)
First off, let me say that the staff at Home for Health are wonderful, knowledgeable and spiritual people. You all work so hard and are genuine Christians, I mean they really love people. They are like health missionaries which is something that I had never even thought about before. I always thought about doctors and medicine, Christians and church or the Bible, but you help me to realize that the Bible is a health book, a user manual for our bodies. Thank you for all your wisdom and love you expressed towards my wife and myself.
Anyway, I came to the retreat after being told I had liver cancer and there was nothing that could be done for me. My color was orangish/yellow and it didn’t look good, but you all took a chance without making any promises. My color returned to normal the first week and, after continuing on the program at home for a few months, I am now cancer free! Thanks again for all your support.

Peter from Maryland (Parasites)
I came with my spouse because she said I needed to? I have been vegetarian for 30+ years, exercise and don’t eat processed food. After the first week, I felt pretty awful, my wife said I was detoxing , but during the second week, I passed a tapeworm that was at least 18″ long. After that I started passing little reddish slug looking things. I never knew that stuff could be in me but I do feel much better now and I have tremendous amounts of energy. I am so happy not to have critters inside of me. GROSS! Thanks for helping my wife and helping me to clean house.

Andrew from New York (Leukemia)
My energy levels were at an all-time low and I had a cold that seemed to last for months so I went to my doctor and he ran some tests. I had and elevated blood count and was told I needed to see an oncologist. The diagnosis was leukemia and I was facing Chemotherapy and was going to need surgery for new bone marrow. I was unsure about going that route and one day at our health food store a gal gave us a DVD to watch called “The Beautiful Truth” and was very impressed. After watching it, I started looking for a place to go. I found most of them to be way outside of my price range but when I found Home for Health, I found a place that I could afford.
They worked with me and helped me get my energy levels up. I did what they call “cold sheet wraps” that I was not too fond of at first but began to enjoy them as I always felt better afterwards. We did many other things but most important to me was that I left there feeling better and equipped to continue at home. Today my blood panels look normal and I feel great. I am very pleased with my stay at Home for Health!

Stacie from Cincinnati, Ohio (Fibromyalgia)
When I came to Home for Health, I was desperate. Within a 2 year timeframe, I had been diagnosed with severe sleep apnea (I have a CPAP), severe restless legs, gastritis, duodenitis, constipation dominant IBS, pre-cancer polyps in my colon, internal hemorroids with a surgery recommendation, chronic vitamin D deficiency, chronic vitamin B12 deficiency, unidentified auto-immune disease, adrenal fatigue, hypoglycemia, painful & symptomatic adenomyosis with a hysterectomy recommendation from 2 different OB/GYNs, hydradentitis suppurativa (very painful skin condition), frequent migraines with pain, frequent migraine auras often caused a catatonic-like state which would launch me into an anxiety attack, and the final straw diagnosis was fibromyalgia.

The constant state of pain, nausea and fatigue I was in caused me to feel hopeless most days. I was no longer able to enjoy life with my husband or daughter, and was becoming increasingly distraught that I couldn’t play with my precious 6 year old. At 38 years old, I felt like the best days of my life were past me.

Home for Health has changed my life. It has been 4 weeks, today, since I returned home. I am engaging in my life again for the first time in over 2 years. I’ve lost 22 lbs. without even trying, and all of my symptoms are now 1/3 to 1/4 of what they were before I went there. Home for Health taught me so much about my body and what I really need to help it heal and to maintain that health. I knew a lot about nutrition before I went there, but I was completely overwhelmed trying to figure out how to change the whole way of life for me and my family. Steve and Suzanne Day were so informative and loving. Their approach to natural health and healing empowered me. When I left Home for Health, I felt confident that I was armed with the knowledge I needed to make lasting changes in my health and the health of my family. In 4 weeks, I have been making gradual changes in my home, and my family is totally on board. The changes in my home are taking time to make, but its okay. That’s something I learned from Steve and Suzanne too – to give myself the same grace that I give to others. For the first time in my life, I am owning that advice and it is creating more peace for me which is helping my continued healing.

I am forever grateful for Steve & Suzanne, Home for Health and all the volunteers that taught me, helped me and extended love to me which jump started my natural healing and gave me the strength and courage I needed to change my legacy to my family. THANK YOU and to God be the Glory!

Hal from Georgia (Prostate)
I have a Chaplain friend that went to Home for Health a few years ago with prostate cancer, today he is well and has returned to his job. I was having trouble running to the bathroom all night and after visiting my doctor he told me my PSA was over 150! (not joking), he wanted to do a biopsy and was ready to take out my prostate. I called Home for Health and asked if I could try that first, they said it was my decision but that I was welcome to come.
I am so glad I did, I still get up a time or two in the night to use the restroom, but after several months of juices, sitz baths and some supplements, my PSA 2.3 and I am happy with that! Thanks for everything you do and everything you stand for.

Trina from Myrtle Beach, SC
The Home for Health facility in Stanton Kentucky is set in the mountains with a creek running through the property and is a spectatcular view. The staff along with Steve and Sue day could not be friendlier. I felt cared for and loved. I thought Steve and Sue went above and beyond to make me comfortable and heal what ails me. I went to Home for Health for fatigue, head pain, inflammation etc. and they tailored a plan for my stay. Some parts of the program were difficult but Steve and Sue made it fun. I not only got physical healing but the spiritual food was a feast. We went on a couple of scenic and challenging hikes. I received tools I needed for continuing my pursuit of health when I returned home. I went home with a list of supplements, recipes (from some fantastic vegetarian fare cooking classes) and a deeper knowledge of food and my body. This small intimate setting was cozy and the whole experience was life changing for me and an experience that I would not trade for anything. I feel incredibly blessed for having had this opportunity. Thanks Home for Health!!

Rachel from Volga, South Dakota
8+ years of mysterious and painful symptoms and tens of thousands of dollars spent on traditional doctors had left us with absolutely no answers. Varying leg, back and shoulder pains, esophageal issues, digestive problems, weakness, nausea, and heart palpitations were a few of the recurring problems I was experiencing on a regular basis. Western medicine being unable to provide us with any answers, we turned to the One who we should have turned to in the beginning. More and more we became intentional in seeking God in all facets of our lives. During that time, a friend of ours introduced us to a place she’d attended in Kentucky that had worked wonders for her…Home for Health.

After exchanging a few emails and a phone call with Steve, we decided to pack up the car and drive the over 1,000 miles to Stanton. Kentucky. God’s orchestration in this was undeniable, in the timing and leniency of our work schedules, to the Day’s being gracious enough to work with us financially considering the medical bills we were yet paying off. It all seemed to fall into place.

Arriving there we were warmly greeted by Steve and the rest of the guests, everyone was so friendly and welcoming. There are so many great memories we have from our time there, which also happened to be our honeymoon (after being married for 8 years). The customized wellness treatments were nice to be exposed to and it’s great that there are many that we can perform at home. Each morning Steve led us in devotion and his knowledge of scripture was a blessing to behold. We gathered for a few intimate reflection sessions where we sang hymnals (Sue has such an amazing voice!), visited about life challenges, shared successes and prayed for each other. These were some of our favorite times, what a great group of people! We also had the opportunity to view several extremely interesting videos on Christian spirituality, nutrition and wellness that truly broadened our perspectives. And, one simply cannot forget the food! The vegetarian meals were so delicious and completely satisfying.

A heartfelt “Thank You!” goes out to the Day family and the rest of the Home for Health Lifestyle center family. Your warmth and grace will forever be in our hearts. The customized wellness treatments, intimate devotions, powerful reflection sessions, delicious vegetarian meals, and truly amazing guests and staff all made this a life changing experience for us and we hope to return again in the future. Thank you again for all that you’re doing!

Suzy Levi Whelan (Breast Cancer)
It’s all about tools, and tools are what I received at Home for Health. In July 2014 I was diagnosed with triple negative ducal carcinoma in my left breast. I had a lumpectomy in October. At my follow up exam from the surgery, I received no care instructions, only a high pressured, fear induced and terrifying sales pitch for chemotherapy. The surgeon told me that If I did not get chemo, I would die and leave behind orphans. He rushed me an appointment with an oncologist. Through prayer and Divine guidance, I found the website for Home for Health. I was considering going to Tijuana, but was having trouble coming up with the $20,000. I also did not see it practical to juice 13 times in my every day life. I called Steve, told him my story, and he held a room for me in November.The price was more than reasonable. I canceled my Oncologist appointment and prayed. Two days later the surgeon called me and told me that he misread my pathology report, and I had regular invasive ducal carcinoma because one of my receptors was positive. Triple Negative has a 5 year survival rate of 29%. What I really had is 80% up 59% in one conversation. Had I bought the chemo sales pitch I would have gotten an unnecessary high powered infusion of poison.
Feeling blessed and spared already I drove to Kentucky and began healing the real way. I was given proper tools for complete health. Physical tools were suggestions for daily supplements, juicing, coffee enemas, hydro therapy and wholesome vegetarian meals. Mental tools came in the form of service, encouragement and education. By far the most powerful tools I brought home were the spiritual tools. I learned that it is not God’s will that any of us are diseased, and He desires to heal us all. Steve and Sue love and serve unselfishly, and by example. They speak so loud with their actions that there is barley need for words. During my stay I really understood the power of Gods love, and how it really is enough if we plug into it.

I am now three months out, and I feel wonderful. I hike, work out and ski twice a week. This would not be possible had I chosen to be a lab rat, and march into the steel arms of the oncology protocol. However much they may be helpful to some, it clearly was not the path for me.

I now have all the tools I need, and it is up to me to use them! God bless Steve, Sue and Home for Health.

Doreen Breaux Bridge, Louisiana
My experience at Home for Health will be one I will never forget. I hardly know where to begin but as soon as I was picked up at the airport I could sense the passion, friendliness and caring from Steve. I knew I was going to be in good hands. Little did I know his heart was even bigger for Jesus!! Eventhough Steve did not want to hear this from me, I will say it anyway, but he is one of the wisest men I have ever met. From health to sickness, to food, to scripture he taught me so very much, but mostly about myself.

I will be leaving here with a heavy heart because the other guests will be in my heart forever. I am also leaving here feeling healthier, more passionate, more loving and more peaceful, because that is all contageous here at Home for Health in Kentucky.

Hiking to the cave was a bonus!