Our Mission

Our Mission

Home for Health Lifestyle Center began with a number of miracles that all worked together to bring about an empowering Lifestyle Center that places health and wellness back into the realm of the family and the hands of the individual. With a number of years of experience, we’ve seen great beneficial results with people with all sorts of conditions.

jesus2We focus on the body wholistically, looking at health from the perspective of necessity of balance of body, mind and soul. We look at aspects of individual’s lives that may be out of harmony with the ideal and help guests to understand that it is necessary to deal with emotions, stress and fear to obtain perfect health. We also endeavor to help guests understand their spiritual needs and deal with guilt and insecurity. We desire and do our best to provide friendly compassionate care regardless of one’s condition.
We are very accepting and not critical, making this the perfect place for you or your loved ones to recognize their value and feel loved.

GP FallOur mission is to educate people from all walks of life to appreciate the great wisdom with which God designed man and to reap the bountiful benefits of living in complete harmony with His Divine plan. We believe that many are suffering from multitudes of diseases needlessly. We would like to encourage everyone to experience “the way, the truth, and the life” as it is found in Christ Jesus. God’s desire for your life. A life that is full of energy and vibrance. The Lord has promised “to take away from thee all sickness” when we set aside whatever hinders and we humbly come to Him in faith.

jesus We also recognize the needs of the suffering outside of the United States and desire to pattern our program in other countries where health and healing is much needed.
We desire to train and equip capable individuals to go abroad as missionaries and help the sick and suffering and also provide them with a level of support once they are there.
Home for Health is set up in such a way, not being a mammoth institution, as a pattern. This is so the idea can be replicated easily.

So the mission of Home for Health is to take the gospel, including health and healing, and enlightening those far and near of the good news that God not only loves us but also desires to restore and recreate each of us. Please keep us in your prayers and remember-

God Loves You, and So Do I


Volunteering at Home for Health
If you are interested in volunteering for a season at Home for Health, please read about Volunteering at Home for Health.