Girls in the U.S. Are Starting Their Periods Earlier: What Parents Need to Know


Girls in the U.S. Are Starting Their Periods Earlier: What Parents Need to Know

Host: Ayesha Rascoe

In a recent study published in JAMA Network Open, researchers have found that girls in the U.S. are beginning menstruation earlier than in the 1950s and ’60s. The study also reveals that it takes longer for menstrual cycles to become regular. To discuss these findings, NPR health correspondent Maria Godoy joins us. Welcome, Maria.

Maria Godoy: My pleasure, Ayesha.

Rascoe: How much earlier are girls starting their periods?

Godoy: On average, girls are getting their first period about six months earlier. Previously, the average age was around 12 and a half years old, but now it’s just under 12. While this may seem like a small difference, the number of girls starting their periods very early, such as under age 11 or even 9, has roughly doubled. This trend is seen across all demographic groups but is more pronounced among girls of color and those from lower-income backgrounds. Dr. Shruthi Mahalingaiah of Harvard, a co-author of the study, highlights the significant mental and emotional health implications of this trend.

Dr. Shruthi Mahalingaiah: The younger a girl is when she gets her first period, the more confusing it can be. There is still a lot of stigma and silence around menstruation. Educating caregivers, parents, and healthcare providers on this trend is crucial to better prepare our children.

Godoy: Moreover, early menstruation has long-term physical health implications.

Rascoe: What long-term health issues are linked to early menstruation?

Godoy: Early menstruation is associated with a higher risk of health problems such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and even early mortality. There is also a heightened risk of several cancers, particularly breast cancer. Lauren Houghton, an epidemiologist at Columbia University, whose research focuses on women’s health, explains.

Lauren Houghton: Girls who get their first period before age 12 face a 20% increased risk of breast cancer.

Godoy: This trend of early puberty and menstruation has been ongoing for decades globally. Given the impact of menstruation timing on later health outcomes, researchers emphasize the importance of awareness. Houghton suggests viewing menstruation as a vital health sign.

Rascoe: Do we know why this is happening?

Godoy: Researchers point to multiple factors. Obesity is a known risk factor for earlier menstruation, but stress also plays a significant role. According to Houghton, stress increases cortisol and androgen production, hormones that fat tissue can convert into estrogen.

Houghton: Estrogen signals the body to develop breasts and start menstrual cycles due to cyclical changes.

Godoy: Additionally, our environment is full of endocrine-disrupting chemicals like phthalates found in plastics and many personal care products, as well as certain air pollutants.

Rascoe: What can parents do to help?

Godoy: As a parent of a young daughter, this is a key concern for me. Promoting healthy living habits can mitigate some risk factors. Ensuring a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables, regular exercise, and sufficient sleep can help delay early puberty. Studies link later bedtimes and shorter sleep to early puberty. Parents should also talk to their children about puberty, preparing them for the possibility of an earlier onset of menstruation.

Rascoe: Thank you for the insights, Maria.

Godoy: Thank you, Ayesha.

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