Christian Health Retreat

Christian Health Retreat

Home for Health lifestyle center is a Christian health retreat. Guests come from across the country to take charge of their health and gain much sought after healing. Not only are the physical needs of guests met through a wholesome diet, lots of fresh juices, quality supplements and therapeutic natural treatments; but the spiritual needs of guests are met through prayer and devotions, and all classes are taught through a Christ centered Christian paradigm. We are not new age or gnostic like many other so called “Christian Retreats***” but instead we believe absolutely that Jesus Christ is the Savior and the Messiah of the world and that the Bible is the inspired word of God.

Christian-Health-RetreatSince 1998, Home for Health has worked with guests with a variety of conditions, including cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, candida, Lymes disease, arthritis, hepatitis, and more. Guests can expect to see tremendous healing benefits while at the center. They can also expect to be equipped and educated to continue programs at home and continue healing.

Sessions are limited to 6-10 guests at a time, and we do our best to create an atmosphere that is relaxed and homelike. We attempt to eliminate stress, focus on healing and maintaining a positive attitude. Meals are not only healthful and nourishing, but guests also are educated how to prepare nourishing meals at home.

clay-bathGuests do not have to be of a particular religious persuasion to attend Home for Health. We regularly have guests from diverse backgrounds. All devotions and prayer sessions are open to all but are not mandatory. We are not into proselytizing but rather orientated towards increasing faith, joy and peace of all our guests. With that being said, this Christian health retreat acknowledges God as the supreme source of healing and encourages guests to place their faith in His power.

Christian-Healing-RetreatWe have seen many miracles at Home for health and have made many life-long friends. We encourage you to take advantage of this healing experience and take charge of your own health. Come see why our Christian health retreat has earned the slogan: Home for Health-

Christian-Health-RetreatA Statement of Purpose:
We believe that we need to have a much more accepting attitude towards those whether hurt and in need of healing or that are bound in sin. We need to learn to separate the sick from the sickness and sin from the sinner, recognizing that whatever the outward manifestation of disease or sin might be, we must recognize the person is still flesh and blood and the thing that they truly need to know is not more “truth and doctrine” but “The Truth and Life” John 14:6. It is The Truth, Jesus Christ that sets men at liberty, that breaks yokes and burdens and it is through connection to Him that the Holy Spirirt will guide us into the rest. They don’t need to conform to man’s ideals, but be transformed into God’s ideal. We run a health retreat based off of the “health message” but it is not our sole purpose to have individuals conform to our dietary or religious ideas We love the individual and want to connect them with our Savoir so He can do the work. We love people and we believe that this is one thing that is truly missing in many ministries. The take it or leave it attitude, “I am right and you need to do what I say” is all too common. This is not our attitude, and allthough we believe that we have so much to offer, we believe the most important thing is summed up in these words:

Please also read our article on The Blueprint and the Need of High Quality Agriculture

Volunteering at Home for Health
If you are interested in volunteering for a season at Home for Health, please read about Volunteering at Home for Health.

****There are retreats that claim to be Christian but are not truly. We do not want to be critical or negative but there are certain key words or phrases that indicate and without getting into who and what, we would be happy to help you manuver your way through the maze of alternative health retreats if you would like. Just Contact Us and we’ll be happy to talk with you.